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Show: All CategoriesBallastDirect CurrentElectric AccessoriesFleischmannFleischmann N-Track with beddingFleischmann Profi-GleisH0 (1/87)Level crossing - N (1/160)Locomotives - N (1/160)MagnetsN (1/160)OthersPassenger Cars - H0 (1/87)Passenger Cars - N (1/160)Steam locomotives
Length 111 mm…
Length: 57.5mm…
for the manual uncoupler track 9114…
Inhalt: 12 gerade Gleise 9100, 8 gebogene Gleise 9125, 1 linke Bogenweiche 9174, 1 rechte Bogenweiche 9175 und 1 Anschlussklemme…
Piccolo - Right hand…
Left hand crossing…
18° Radius R2: 420 mm…
PiccoloRadius 192 mm, arc angle 45°,outer diameter: 401 mm.8 pieces form a circle.…